Wednesday, April 24, 2013


It's been a while but I keep thinking of you! So I'll be brief.

While relaying the plan for this evenings events I told the boy that we'd (mom & dad) be going to his parent/teacher conference.  The boy says, "Oh! She'll say I'm good" then he adds on, "She'll say I've got to keep my hands to myself."

What? Internally, I start to freak out! Everything becomes slow-motion and I start to ask myself all these critical things about my parenting; He knows better doesn't he? I've tought him better than that, haven't I? Why hasn't the teacher contacted me if he is having a problem? What kind of thing is he doing? I don't want my kid to be that kid! I stop what I'm doing as my head whips around to face him directly, "What?"

"She'll say that I need to keep my hands to myself," he says innocently, barely noticing my full attention focused on his face.

I play it cool. "And why would she say something like that?" my heart beating louder than my brain is thinking, anxious that our world is about to come crashing down.

He says, "They all need hugs."

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