So in the mist of after school rush and fast food for dinner, me, the girl and the boy are in the car on the way home for a brief stop before Tae Kwon Do and swimming.... the girl has finished her meal already and takes a big dramatic (is there any other kind with her?) sigh. Her head is off to the side and her eyes closed. While driving, and hopefully paying attention to the road as much as I believe I am while stuffing french fries into my mouth, I ask if she was tired with all the activities going on, I look over after a beat of silence and see that her eyes are shut. I go about driving and stuffing and dipping and stuffing oh, and driving.... (perhaps in hindsight I shouldn't have been so distracted....hmmm) Ok, I'm quietly chewing, lost in my own thoughts, the boy is just fine, happily eating his nuggets and fries....
Then, the girls left hand flies up in a "talk to the hand" flurry. She sits straight up and looks directly at me and says (with half her face sagging down as if she has bells palsy, and super slow-like), "I don't really like it when cowboys talk out the side their mouth like this." Oh! O.K. She continues, with a perfect southern drawl by the way, "They sound funny and it's like the one side of their face is all smooooshed down and it dudn't work". I laugh, what else? "How do they talk like that? I mean, it's like hard to talk that way." Then to accentuate the hilarity of the moment she says, "Wol, hat dig-it-T-y, der dig" again in perfect southern drawl. Her face of course, this whole time still looking like it got stung by a scorpion and was drooping down to her neck.
So, now we know. The girl don't know why cowboys talk like that.
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